The Exhibition entitled Tribute to Manfredo Massironi was held in Verona in 2011. It was a key part of a complex cultural event organized by Ugo Savardi and the University of Verona, Luisa Zecchinelli and the Verona Conservatoire and Francesco Ronzon and the Academy of Fine Arts in Verona. A number of institutions and sponsors in Verona were also involved.
The overall event was entitled Tribute to Creativity, Arte Programmata, Massironi, Bozzi. The aim was to go in depth into the meaning of creativity as envisioned in Experimental Psychology, with a special focus on Gestalt Psychology. The notion of creativity was not investigated in an abstract way, but was rather approached from the perspective of various artworks created by a series of visual artists. These belonged to various Italian avant-garde groups (specifically, Group T, Group N and Group Zero) who are usually identified by the expressions “Programmed Art”, “Exact Art” or “Gestaltic Art”. Particular attention was paid to Manfredo Massironi’s visual research.
Two exhibitions were in fact set up: one was entitled Tribute to Manfredo Massironi (held at the Saint Giorgetto Church in S. Anastasia Square, Verona) and another entitled Tribute to Arte Programmata was held at the Academy of Fine Arts in Via Carlo Montanari in Verona. Both took place from the 10-19th of May 2011 and were made possible thanks to the friendship between Ugo Savardi and Getulio Alviani, who was the curator of both exhibitions.
An additional event was devoted to an analysis of Paolo Bozzi’s musical compositions This was organized thanks to the commitment of Luisa Zecchinelli and the participation of various maestri of the Conservatoire of Verona who performed the compositions (13th May 2011).
The two exhibitions, and the workshops accompanying them, were part of a wider didactic project that Ugo Savardi had designed and led with the aim of actively and creatively engaging students, mainly in terms of enabling them to understand and discover the thought provoking perceptual ideas which form the background to these artworks. He also encouraged the students to work in groups to design and realize materials and activities (involving children, adults, and members of the University of the third age). The aim of this was to develop an understanding of the pleasure of the mind that experiencing this kind of art, that is, arte programmmata, can produce when it is approached with the right eyes and mindset.